The market leading Infection Prevention and Control Software

Transform your quality of care with accurate visual and actionable data

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Visual Floor Maps Icon - White
Track Infections Accurately
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Track Infections Icon - White
Visualize Infection Trends
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Reporting Icon - White
Automated Reporting
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Audit Icon - White
Capture Audits Electronically
Audit faster
One platform for all your needs

An innovative IPAC reporting platform designed to help clinical staff manage and report infections, facilitate electronic audits, and automatically visualize trends. Better communication. Save time. Improve outcomes.

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With HealthConnex, you become proactive - greatly increasing your staff's ability to detect and respond to infections before they spread. The improved communication has been especially helpful across the entire enterprise - saving on average 10 hours per facility/month.
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Bryan Morris
VP Clinical Services - Sapphire Health Services
HealthConnex Logo - Green
Rapidly Track Infection Cases

HealthConnex’s web-based IPAC Management platform improves your Infection Preventionists ability to quickly identify and respond to infections. Cases can be automatically created in less than 30 seconds.

A centralized, easily accessible interactive dashboard highlights all types of infections and illnesses. The solution also lets your care team attach labs and treatment orders to a case, so all relevant IPAC data is collected, visible and updated in one centralized location.

Visualize Infection Trends

With built-in visual floor maps the software helps identify infection trends with ease. Users can clearly understand the spread of infection and visually identify potential outbreaks before they occur.

A centralized, easily accessible interactive dashboard also highlights both Resident and Staff infection cases. No need for additional Excel sheets, tools or applications to track all IPAC data.

Automated Reporting

With built in reporting tools any size organization can easily manage and report on infections across the enterprise. A complete set of analytics tools, including Infection Rate, Infection Case Frequency, Days of Therapy, Antibiotic Usage, Immunization reports, and more are available within the application.

Additionally, our Outbreak Management module facilitates linking resident and staff infections to outbreak records for public health reporting.

Capture Audits Electronically

Core IPAC audits for Hand Hygiene and PPE compliance plus the ability to create any additional audit in our MyAudits app, facilities can easily track and monitor compliance for any quality program.

Save time by collecting data electronically and automate reporting with our built-in dashboards that provide compliance overviews in seconds. No more paper tracking or duplicate data entry. MyAudits is helping users understand performance in real-time.

North America’s Top Healthcare Organizations Choose HealthConnex

The market leading Infection Prevention and Control Software for Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living facilities. We are dedicated to providing high quality, easy to use software at affordable pricing. Our IPAC Management and MyAudits platforms are used in thousands of facilities across North America!

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IPAC Management

IPAC Management is a clinical workflow and data intelligence tool that empowers clinical users and nursing leadership to identify, manage, and report infections in real time.

Audit Icon

MyAudits provides users with the ability to electronically capture audit information for any quality program. Delivering high quality, automated reports within seconds. No more paper audits.

HealthConnex IPAC Management and MyAudits platforms offer:

Infection Surveillance Icon
Infection Surveillance

Track both Resident and Staff infections in real-time

Floor Maps Icon
Floor Maps

Visualize your active infections directly on your facilities custom Floor Maps

Outbreak Management Icon
Outbreak Management

Easily facilitate line listing and reporting to Public Health

Employee Health Icon
Employee Health

Track immunization records and complete reporting rapidly

Electronic Audit Capabilities Icon
Electronic Audit Capabilities

Complete Hand Hygiene, PPE audits, and more without the use of paper or Excel

Antimicrobial Stewardship Icon
Antimicrobial Stewardship

Enhance or build your Antimicrobial Stewardship program directly within your IPAC software.

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