HealthConnex IPAC Management is the leading IPAC software for Skilled Nursing and Senior Living Facilities in North America
Slow and prevent the spread of infection by visualizing Resident infections in real-time, identifying trends across your units. Or review historical data to understand future implications of outbreaks.
Easily identify opportunities for early intervention and education, enhanced precautions and cleaning.
A centralized, easily accessible interactive dashboard highlights both Resident and Employee infection case tracking. No need for additional Excel sheets, tools or applications.
Visualize every infection: Built-in Floor Maps offer an enhanced detailed overview of active infections and symptoms on every unit.
Utilize IPAC Canada and McGeers criteria or customize your own surveillance definitions to meet any reporting requirement.
Outbreak Management: Identify and communicate outbreaks faster and more easily – automate linking and trending of infections with built-in Epi-Curves and Line Lists.
Enterprise reporting capabilities: Customizable organization structure provides rapid reporting for any enterprise.
Automated infection reporting: Complete Infection Rate, Infection Case Frequency, Days of Therapy, Immunizations reporting, and more within seconds.
Outbreak reporting: Utilize customizable line list reports to facilitate automated public health reporting.
Custom Line List reports: HealthConnex offers the capability to customize your line list reports – meet any reporting requirement without needing to work in Excel.
Rapidly record treatment information for every infection case. Facilitate and complete medication reviews within the IPAC software.
Utilize the built-in Line Lists or Antimicrobial Time Out Reports to enhance communication between interdisciplinary team members.
Automated reporting: Infection case-derived Days of Therapy, automated alerts for antimicrobial timeouts, and medication reviews.